Displaying posts by archives '2018'
Fallout giveaway winners for Friday 7th Dec 2018
UpdatesCongratulations to Robby M. from our e-mail subscribers and Gina P. from our Collector's club, the Gaming Heads Collective, who both won a Fallout® 76: Vault Boy 76 Charisma ...
Inspecting Mass Effect™ Wrex
UpdatesMass Effect™: Wrex statues now progressing through quality inspection.
This should be complete within the next 2 weeks and if all statues have met our strict standards, then shipment will be arranged to warehouses across the g...
Fallout® 4: Sole Survivor in production!
UpdatesFallout® 4: Sole Survivor now in production. Aiming to inspect these in the middle of December.
Don't forget to join the Gaming Heads Collective on Facebook to see more sneak peaks and exclusi...
Congrats to Fallout® 76: Vault Boy 76 Bobbleheads - Series One 7 Pack Winners!
UpdatesCongratulations to Dakota H. from Maryland and Bryan C. from California who both won Fallout® 76: Vault Boy 76 Bobbleheads - Series One 7 Packs!
There are three more Friday giveaways coming up with the best prizes still ahead -- includ...
Fallout® 76 available to order tonight!
Product Launch*** NEW LAUNCH #16 2018 *** 9AM EST
Please do join the Gaming Heads Collective on Facebook to see all our future sneak peaks before anywhere else. We are also running a Fallout giveaway ...